To begin with, it is wise to carefully consider the needs and characteristics that the flooring material must meet depending on its location. When purchasing the material, keep in mind:
- the naturalness of the material,
- the softness of the material,
- resistance to wear, i.e., the material’s usage class,
- resistance to scratches and dents,
- the thermal conductivity of the material,
- the expected lifespan of the material, i.e., how long the installed solution is expected to last,
- the ease of cleaning and maintenance of the material, as well as the long-term maintenance costs,
- the subfloor on which you intend to install the material, i.e., its compatibility with the chosen flooring material,
- the available budget for flooring, installation work, and any additional subfloor work that may be required.
It is important to consider that each type of flooring has its pros and cons, and often some compromises must be made to find the most suitable flooring based on personal needs and its location.